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Meet the Owner-Louise Treseder

Meet the Owner-Louise Treseder

Today, in our Meet the Owner series, we are chatting to Louise Treseder from the Driftwood Spars and Brewery- or the Drifty, as it is known locally- in Trevaunance Cove, St. Agnes.

Lou, thank you for chatting to us!

Can you describe your business in 3 words?

Cornish small-batch brewery

How long have you been trading?

Almost 14 years

What is your favourite item that you sell or make?

Lou’s Brew!  It’s my favorite beer, hence the name

What are your top 3 tips for someone wanting to start their own business?

Don’t expect to make a profit immediately

Do something you love, you could be spending a lot of time doing it.

Imbed sustainability into your business model from the beginning.

Describe your dream afternoon away from your business.

An afternoon with friends swimming on the Cornish coast, no matter the weather, ideally with some lovely cake after.

What are your top 3, all time favourite films?

Don’t really watch films, I’m more likely to listen to music than watch a film.

What is your favourite season in St. Agnes Parish and why?

Spring, always makes me feel excited about what lays ahead, it’s a time of hope and optimism.  It’s great seeing all the bulbs in flower and the trees breaking into leaf.  It’s getting warmer, and not too busy, so I get time to see people and walk the coastal paths, and the winter stress of having a seasonal business have passed.

What are you asking for from Father Christmas this year?

To end the current pandemic/or enable us to live with it so we can return to normal

Louise and her team will be selling delicious closed brews from their brewery, outside the Church Hall on Friday 10th December 5pm-8.30pm.

You can also find them @driftwoodspars

and www.driftwoodspars.co.uk


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